Orange Kyanite: Origins, Mystical Powers, Everyday Uses, and Care Guide
16 Dec, 2024
Orange kyanite is a rare gemstone that is formed through a process called regional metamorphism, which occurs when rocks are subjected to high pressure and low to moderate temperatures. The formation process starts with pre-existing rocks called protoliths that are rich in aluminum. In the next step, clay minerals and feldspars in the protoliths recrystallize. When the pressure is high enough and the temperature is relatively low, kyanite crystals begin to grow.
Orange kyanite rocks are also found in metamorphic rocks like schists, gneisses and quartzites. It’s often associated with biotite, muscovite, almandine, staurolite and sillimanite. The formation of orange kyanite is also linked to subduction zones, where oceanic crust is pushed beneath continental crust, creating the necessary high-pressure environment.
The beautiful orange kyanite crystal is believed to contain several healing properties including physical, emotional & mental, as it is assumed that wearing orange kyanite jewelry helps in promoting emotional balance and harmony by stimulating creative energy and inspiring innovation. Spiritually, orange kyanite is said to promote divine growth and facilitate deeper meditation.
In addition to this, wearing an orange kyanite ring is said to enhance intuition and psychic abilities and increase creative thinking by giving us a sense of joy. Orange kyanite with mica is said to combine powerful memory and recall abilities and is also said to help grounding energies.
Hi, I am Margot elise, working as a product manager in rananjay exports for the last three years. Rananjay Exports are the online most trusted wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturer based in India, catering to the needs of its clients since 2013.
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